Disclaimer: Do to the absence of my wife the below post may be riddled with bad grammar and incomplete sentences and overall confusion.
17 May 2008
Oh... the idle wooden mind
02 May 2008
Going Green
So, the ever reaching arm of the "going green-ites" has finally made its way to a virtually unknown demographic...little-wood-men. In particular, Pan. Although I'm not fully sold on the pathological rantings of the former Vice President, who's research is based on shaky evidence by scandalous scientists, not to mention the earth has gone through natural warming and cooling periods since its creation, but then I was reminded of the fact my opinion was based on the research of a man who argues with the environmental views of a little-wood-man. I do agree with Pan as to being good stewards of our planet. I conceded to this point but in the same breath made it known there would be no tofu, incense, or tambourine playing-not that I have anything against tambourines but if any of you have been to my most humble home you will agree with me on the joy of the absence of tambourine. So if there is anybody out there who plays the tambourine...I think it is a noble instrument with a long and glorious history...there.. so I mean no offense.
After a long day of being green..because it's not easy (about five minutes, you got to start small:) when you're a little-wood-man) Pan takes a rest in the soft grass, communing with nature. Exploring commenced afterward followed by practicing his climbing and repelling skills (because you need skills...you know...skills) which will come in handy the next time he has to scale the side of a 55 gallon drum.
All fun and no play a dull boy Pan would be.